TEST 1 for Grade 11 and Grade 12

INFORMAL TEST 1 Grade 11 Function Changes

TEST 2 FOR Grade 11 and Grade 12

There will be informal marks allocated.

INFORMAL TEST 2 Grade 12 Sequences and Series

TEST 3 for Grade 11 and Grade 12
There will be informal marks allocated.

INFORMAL TEST 3 Grade 11 and 12 Graph interpretation


INFORMAL TEST 1 FOR GRADE 12 InformalTest1_Gr12_23_4_20
INFORMAL TEST 1 FOR GRADE 12 MEMO InformalTest1_Gr12_Answers_23_4_20

INFORMAL TEST 2 FOR GRADE 11 InformalTest1_Gr11_23_4_20

INFORMAL TEST 1 FOR GRADE 11 MEMO InformalTest1_Gr11_Answers_23_4_20

INFORMAL TEST 2 FOR GRADE 12 InformalTest2_Gr12_30_4_20

INFORMAL TEST 2 FOR GRADE 12 MEMO InformalTest2_Gr12_30_4_20_Answers

INFORMAL TEST 3 FOR GRADE 12 InformalTest3_Calculus_Gr12_18_5_20

INFORMAL TEST 3 FOR GRADE 12 InformalTest3_Calculus_Gr12_18_5_20Memo


INFORMAL TEST 1 ON EXPONENTIAL GRAPH Exponential Graph and Inverse Informal Test 13_6_20

INFORMAL TEST 1 ON EXPONENTIAL GRAPH MEMO Exponential Graph and Inverse Informal Test 13_6_20MEMO

INFORMAL TEST 2 ON INVERSE AND FUNCTIONS Inverse function informal test Nov 2018

INFORMAL TEST 2 ON INVERSE AND FUNCTIONS Inverse function informal test Nov 2018MEMO