Afrikaans FAL Grade 10 to Grade 12 Extra Resources CLICK HERE

Message from your Grade 12 educator

This is the Annual Teaching Plan for Term 1 and 2.

All Language from your Textbook:
Afrikaans sonder Grense and
Afrikaans Study Guide
( the blue and yellow book)

Fiela se Kind
Die Drama:

All notes received so far.
If possible try to translate and analyse the whole book. Also try to answer all the questions given on your notes received.



  1. Rondom my
  2. Palimpses
  3. Tien Haikoes vir die
  4. Huiskat
  5. Ek het ‘n huisie by die see
  6. Boekmerk
  7. Pryslied
  8. Die boodskapper
  9. Die nuwe kind
  10. By die robot in

If possible, also try to translate and analyse the poems and answer the questions that follow after each poem.

More notes will follow on Language, Fiela and Poem’s when we return to school.

As far as I know if you log on to Matric Live, there are some explanations and translations given. The Matrics of last year made use of this for extra help and revision.


These are the two tasks so far, to prepare for the second term:

Prepared speech (TAAK 5)
Prepared reading (TAAK 6)

Please prepare it for me as well as for the Department.


Thank you.
Mrs. Weyer



Message from Mrs Rauch: 

Learners can start preparing for these tasks.

2020 GR 10 EAT WWHS Voorbereide Toespraak en Voorbereide Lees

2020 GR 11 EAT WWHS Voorbereide Toespraak en Voorbereide Lees

2020 GR 12 EAT WWHS Voorbereide Toespraak en Voorbereide Lees


Poetry For Grade 12 Learners

Message from Mrs Rauch

Find the links below for the Great 12 Afrikaans FAL Poetry.

It consist of notes, the questions learners must do as well as the memo to mark their work. 

Learners should therefore work through the poem and do the questions.